
We take used book collecting seriously, roaming far and wide to curate a selection of unique and often hard to find books in a wide range of subjects for our customers.   

Browse through our stacks and discover classic and contemporary fiction both familiar and new to you written by national and international authors.  In addition, our Poets’ Corner carries a wide selection of poetry books by known and not-so-known poets.   

Additional book sections include:  Mysteries, Romance, Westerns, and Young Adult fiction, plus a Children’s Corner populated by both vintage favorites and contemporary board, picture and fiction books.  

Check out our non-fiction subject areas, including Art, American and European History, Biography, Religion, Cooking, Nature/Gardening, Self-Help, Do-It-Yourself, Photography, Philosophy, Politics, Entertainment, Music, Social Sciences, plus much more. 

Looking for a hard-to-find book?  Email us with the specifics and we will do a search and find just the right copy for you.

Can’t figure out what to give that special someone in your life?  A W.Whitman Books Gift Card or exclusive Whitman Mug is always a popular gift. 

Art, Antique and Collectible Corner

Our Antique, Art and Collectible Corner offers a unique selection of one-of-a kind curated art paintings and prints, in addition to an eclectic selection of rare books and collectibles for your home.   

Coming in the near future: a searchable database of our book offerings.